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Sauce Boss: Raw

It appears as if the PR machine behind the Florida-based slide guitarist known as "Sauce Boss" is fed up — no pun intended — with the cute plays on words critics have used to describe the Sauce Boss and his, um, tasty blues sound. So, let's just say that on his ninth album, Raw, the Sauce Boss (who also goes by the name of Bill Wharton and serves up his famous gumbo to homeless people all over the country, as well as Hurricane Katrina survivors) plays authentic, down 'n dirty blues like you've probably heard before from other musicians who don't give themselves sassy kitchen-centric names. But the Sauce Boss' mean guitar powered by a 1948 Fender amp and resilient voice that's both gritty and tender — not to mention the thumpin' rhythm section of Majic John and Big Jim — make Raw a treat. (Oops, sorry for the food reference.)

Track Listing:
1) Digging My Potatoes
2) Every Inch of Your Body
3) Outlaw Blues
4) Taxi in the Rain
5) Sweet Stuff
6) I Bait My Hook by the Light of the Moon
7) Hurricane Blues
8) A Hundred Times A Day
9) Deep in the Shed
10) All That Meat and No Potatoes
11) Someone
12) The Shakes
13) Left Handed Smile

Added: August 26th 2008
Reviewer: Michael Popke
Related Link: Official Sauce Boss Web Site
Hits: 2329
Language: english

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