Verdeaux has come a long way since his Clearlight days; the French progger has recorded a purely-new age album (and he’s far from the first). Not ambient, this is new age—there is a difference, though lines between the two genres tend to blur. Not a Mellotron in sight, Journey To Tantraland is a “new age concept” work on the second Chakra of the Kundalini Opera—the 2nd Chakra is, directly from the liner notes, "linked with energy & thoughts of sexual nature…[the music] is composed to be used for massage therapy as well as lovemaking.” The tranquil nature of this release makes it equally suitable for dentists’ waiting rooms (and new age shops).
Verdeaux composes on digital synths, and is joined by bamboo flutist & Lyricon player Dallas Smith; Smith is a fixture on the new age scene, along with Steven Halpern & William Aura (remember all those Windham Hill & Fortuna titles in the 80s?). Cuts like “Shambala,” “Journey To The Center Of The Head,” and “Meditation Lyricon” are 'pleasant’ enough, but this is the stuff of sonic wallpaper, dynamics minimized to a homogenous whole—lose sight of the digital counter, miss a changeover. String samples, hints of exotic percussives, crystalline swells, trickling, percolating sequences (not many of those, though). Going out on a critical limb, the final track is the best, beginning with a heavily-reverbed piano which morphs into bell-like tones, which in turn segue into rhythms which hint of traditions and musicks Balinese.
Hardcore proggers will definitely want to steer clear. If you need filler to relax to, here's your game...