It Was Predestined is the brand new EP from New York's Maelstrom, three songs of power metal riffing, shred guitar solos, galloping rhythms, and a mix of histrionic high pitched vocals and gruff lower registered snarls. Pretty epic stuff, much of it works quite well, like the Manowar-on-steroids opener "Arise", complete with anthemic vocals, plenty of chugging riffs, and Joey Lodes' rapid fire leads, which bear more than a close similarity to shred demon Chris Pellitterri. Things are more textured on the mid-paced metal thumper "A Future Crusade", but the band closes out the short set with the crusher "Predestined", a real headbanger of power metal venom, massive sweep picking from Lodes going battle with Gary Vosganian's over-the-top clean vocals and gutteral growls. Daniel Kleffmann pounds away on the drums on this one, bringing his solid metal chops to what is otherwise a head-on collision of power metal and neo-classical styles.
These guys have been around since the mid-80's, and you can certainly hear their thrash leanings throughout these two pieces, mixed with plenty of classic power metal and even a little death metal thrown in for good measure. Vosganian has a vocal style that takes a little getting used to-he's flamboyant for sure, and a tad overwhelming at times, but he's unique so you have to give him that. Guitarist Lodes is the real deal, a veteran player whose massive riffs and blinding solos are all over the place here, and there's no telling how much six-string might he'll unleash upon us once Maelstrom's full-length release comes out in the near future.
Track Listing
1) Arise
2) A Future Crusade
3) Predestined