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Aborted: Strychnine.213

European Death Metallers Aborted's new release for 2008 is titled Strychnine.213, and one look at the cover artwork showing a victim trapped in barbed wire gives the impression this will be one album overflowing with brutality. This is their second release on Century Media following Slaughter & Apparatus: A Methodical Overture.

Strychnine.213 is Aborted's sixth full length album overall. Drummer Daniel Wilding blasts away on his kit during "Ophiolatry On A Hemocite Platter", and I really dig the snare roll he performs later in the song, then duplicates it with his feet, while you then hear the guitar also copy it for a great effect. Sebastian Tuvi and Peter Goemaere's guitars are most effective throughout the album providing some very fitting and commanding riffs. It's also good to hear Aborted aren't stuck in the constant speed rut that some are; tempo variation does wonders for this sort of album.

Strychnine.213 isn't one for fans of mid tempo metal rockers, as Aborted's latest is an album with furious blast beating drums, unrestrained death vocals from Sven De Caluwe and potent guitars and bass performances. However, it also contains some catchy melodies and grooves that help to separate it from what seems to be an endless sea of death metal releases.

Track Listing
1. Carrion
2. Ophiolatry On A Hemocite Platter
3. I35
4. Pestiferous Subterfuge
5. The Chyme Congeries
6. A Murmur In Decrepit Wits
7. Enterrement Of An Idol
8. Hereditary Bane
9. Avarice Of Vilification
10. The Obfuscate

Added: November 29th 2008
Reviewer: Scott Jessup
Related Link: Band's MySpace Page
Hits: 2310
Language: english

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