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Mortuus Infradaemoni: Imis Avernis

Lunar Aurora (cool name) is the band from where those two musicians are originally from. You have Nathaniel (guitars & vocals) on one side, and Profanatitas (drums, bass & vocals) on the other. In 2007, Mortuus Infradaemoni made their debut, Daemon Qui Fecit Terram , appearance with quite a positive response.

Imis Avernis is knocking on hell's door, by being a furious and serious Black Metal opus, lasting an hour. This new release should be hitting strongly the fans of well done, blast beat galore, type of Black Metal. This is not a symphonic or a depressive style of Black Metal. Nonetheless, it does include some great atmosphere and a bit of keyboards and electronics. I really enjoyed the ghostly rasps, often discrete and sometimes quite wicked. Not being a huge fan of furious paces, I particularly appreciated the moderate parts thrown in here and there. The guitar work is buzzing with coldness, while those great riffs and arpeggios could be heard in mid pace sections, to my greatest pleasure. My overall favorite song is also the longest, most epic track called, "Der Tod". That song includes all the good points mentioned above. Then, the following track, "Doresh El Ha'metim" caught my by surprise with its acoustic guitar intro, only followed by juicy riffing and sick rasps. I also have to give an honorary mention to the opener "Obscuritas Ubique Et In Aeternum" for its introductory electronics, while the vocals are getting really discrete, almost making the song an instrumental piece.

This is actually a nice album, especially for the moderate parts and melodic aspects of the guitars and great rasps. I would have preferred less furious moments though.

Track listing:
1 - Animatus
2 - Bastard
3 - Darkland
4 - Der Tod
5 - Doresh El Ha'metim
6 - Imis Avernis
7 - Merihim Rises
8 - Mortuus Et Prodeunt Infradaemoni
9 - Obscuritas Ubique Et In Aeternum

Added: May 4th 2009
Reviewer: Denis Brunelle
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 2516
Language: english

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