Used to be that Canadian rock was perfectly safe. At
least that's what the skeptics would say. They'd argue
that Triumph was just John Denver on testosterone and
that Saga was just Rush with chest colds. And, to that
end, there is a little bit of truth: All three of
those bands did have an identifiable style that
consistently pleased fans because, well, it all
evolved very slowly. Sea of Green, however, are not a
safe band, nor are they a power trio created in Ged's
image. Instead, they're a hard rockin'
integrity-havin' groupa guys who are creating
downright memorable songs that never portend to have
the answers (there's positive vibes here but no "Magic
Power," that's for sure).
Don't let "Angry Scars," "Ashes To Dust," or
"Darkness" fool you: These guys aren't spending their
days stuck in their bellybuttons. It's good stuff and
will appeal to your retro, rawkenroll sensibilities
while allowing you to leave your brain on. Plus, you
will still be able to throw some horns. Heavy, but not so
much so that you'll have to loosen your belt and wind
up falling asleep in front of the speakers.
This is the album before the album that'll break these
guys wide.