While the rest of us move forward in time, Mr John Edmonds moves backwards. His latest offering is a prequel to his 2002 release Subzerosonic. The material on this disc was in fact recorded in 1991 but only released for CD in 2003. Mr Edmonds is a one man band who, this time around, has chosen to offer up an " all instrumental jazz-rock intrigue for guitars and electronic orchestra".
We begin our adventure with "Networked". A fast paced modern fusion piece with a heavy emphasis on electronic orchestration; it's highly reminiscent of the music presented during a certain '80's cop show , which shall remain nameless. "Talk Of Times" serves up more electronic orchestrated music yet in a much more symphonic and dramatic manner.This is a slow and deliberate number which builds up to a feverish synthesized guitar solo. "Relapse" may be the proggiest track on the disc with its interesting and unusual tempo shifts.The track does emphasize the keyboards more yet still retains the spaced out, fuzzy, synthesized guitar of earlier pieces." Ghost Of John" is an ominous rendition of a children's Hallowe'en classic. It has a very melancholic timbre ; taut with suspense from start to finish, it ends ends with an apocalyptic closing sequence. "Brainwatched" picks up where the previous track left off but introduces a variety of percussives before shifting gears with the advent of fuzzy guitars and a return to musical themes explored earlier on the disc; although with slight variants. The closing title track "When Schemes Come true" begins with melodramatic acoustic piano. It slowly builds up steam but never bubbles over. Synthesized guitar washes and sentimental piano passages are accentuated by ambient electronic keyboards which ebb and flow throughout the track until it fades out with a hypnotic cadence.
Fans of electronic music , most notably film scores, can get excited about this record. I would not be surprised to see the name of John Edmonds in the closing credits of a CBS drama or even a Hollywood picture. He has a great sense of space as well as a flare for drama. Not my usual cup of tea but I respect his talent.